The KCPS district reported a smooth start to the school year with preparations and planning paying off.  Reports were made on the enrollment process, impressive renovations at East and Northeast High Schools and Banneker Elementary School, transportation, recruitment of teachers, teacher mentoring and technology preparedness.

  • The administration announced principals will have the responsibility for selecting and retaining their teachers, a significant improvement over the past.  Seniority and union rules were not mentioned.  Does seniority trump teacher quality and principal choice?
  • Teacher mentoring is being promoted, a new concept to this district but not unlike what many schools across the country have been doing the past 30 years.
  • The administration did not give clear answers to how many teachers are certified in their fields.  How many uncertified substitutes are in classrooms?  How many applicants accepted offers, not how many applied?
  • Two board members, including the president, mentioned connecting with students on Facebook.  Social networking between board members and students is not illegal, but it does seem like a major role conflict with questionable professionalism.
  • Numerous comments by board members advocating for personal issues and relating personal stories was inappropriate not to mention asking questions that had already been asked.

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