Two Board Watchers for Do the Right Thing for Kids observed and evaluated the December 21, 2011 KCPS School Board business meeting. At the beginning of the meeting board member Ray Wilson moved to amend the agenda to allow speakers representing the Afrikan Centered Education Collegium Campus to protest the district’s funding level for ACE. Ajamu Webster deferred his time to Clinton Adams, Rev. Sam Mann and Rev. Wallace Hartsfield, II. Board president Airick Leonard West maintained control of the meeting that had the potential of being hijacked by speakers and included veiled accusations of racism.

The Kansas City Star reported:

The district might be able to renew a contract with ACE if it could be restructured to give the district control of many of the finances, [Acting Superintendent Steve] Green said. The campus likely would need to be reduced by at least one building. “And the lawsuit would need to go away.”

Unfortunately, it was business as usual at this meeting—groups pressing for their own projects and interests and still no focused discussion on gaining accreditation for the district.

View the agenda/minutes of this meeting
(will open in a new window).

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